Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Chiefs Game!!

Justin and I attended the Chiefs vs. Titans game the day after Christmas. Dec. 26,2010. It was very cold and they were teasing me about how I looked. I was trying to stay warm. Here are some pictures.

Putting away the Christmas stuff!

Today I have been busy putting all the Christmas stuff away. I love getting it out but it is a chore putting it all away. Justin's mom sent him home with a few boxes from his childhood and when my mom was here she did the same. Last night we went through his stuff and decided what to keep and what to throw away. Today I put it all away it its place. Mom brought me a hope chest and that is where we are storing things like that. When I have friends come over that have children, I don't have anything for them to play with because Justin and I don't have children yet. Justin found so old trucks and tractors that he used to play with---YAY!! Now the kids will have something to play with. I also found some old books of his and some kids books my mom had given me. Now I feel better if someone were to come over, at least the kids would have a few things to play with.
I am working on laundry right now and Justin is at work. I hate laundry. I hate putting it away most of all. I wash, dry, and fold, then I put my stuff away and the towels and such and then Justin puts his stuff away.
Our housekeeper is coming over tomorrow, which is good because we have company coming on Friday so my house will look spic and span when they come. I can't wait for her to get here. She always makes the house look and smell so good. Plus that is the only time our bed gets made...LOL!!
Well, I need to put the dishes away so it will be empty and ready for her in the morning plus I need to fold the load of clothes.
Have a wonderful day.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

After Christmas!

It is now after Christmas and I would like to say that I had a very hard time this Christmas. I cried alot for I know that I would've been seven months pregnant but the Lord had other plans. I know His plans are so much better than my plans but it was still a rough holiday for me. I enjoyed the Chiefs game but I think next time I go it won't be in December when it's freezing. LOL!! Justin had me wrapped up tight and I wasn't too cold. Justin and the rest of my family were laughing at me being all wrapped up and said I looked like the little boy from the movie, A Christmas Story and I was Ralphie's little brother. My mom has been talking about this eReader that she just bought and now I want one. I don't get to read much but I still think it would be fun to have.
After this Christmas I am more and more excited to start a new tradition with my new family. Justin is having a hard time with this because he says we still have other family. Well, this I know but I don't understand why any of our family wouldn't want us to have new traditions as we weave into our own ways and things. I think heading up Christmas evening to a parent's house isn't too bad. It is still Christmas but our kiddos have still gotten to wake up on Christmas day with their mom and dad and opened gifts.
Today I go to the dentist and I am a little anxious about it. I know everything will be just fine, but it still makes me a little nervous.
My love to all!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Time!!!

Christmas time is here. Justin and I had our Christmas with each other last night because we going out of town tonight and through Christmas. On Saturday (Christmas) we will be at his parents house til about 2 then we will be heading to my dads house. We will be there Christmas afternoon and then on Sunday we are going to the Chiefs vs. Titans game. I can't wait, I have never been to a Chiefs game, but I know it will be COLD!!!
I can't wait til Justin and I have children. I want to start a new tradition with all of us. I want Christmas Eve to open stockings, read the Christmas story from the Bible and then maybe play a game. Then Christmas morning we will open presents and have Christmas as a family at our house---No traveling til after Christmas. We shall see how his parents feel about that one.