Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Almost time!

I go to the doctor tomorrow and hopefully with some good news coming from it. I am going to try to convince the doctor to induce me next Thursday or Friday Dec. 15th or 16th. Unless of course I go into labor before that. I am so ready to be done working because I am so tired and I don't feel like I am giving my everything like I should be.

I don't have a laundry room so I fold my clothes in the guest room. I need to get on the ball and get the clean clothes put away so my mom will have some place to sleep when she comes. Then I need to bring the bassinet into our bedroom and move around a few things, then I think I will be done and ready for Kastyn's arrival. I seems to make it through the day but at night I just get more miserable each day it feels. Justin is doing a great job helping around the house and helping me off the couch and things like that when it's hard for me to get up.

Monday, December 5, 2011

So Tired

I had so much fun on Saturday with Tennile. We baked and baked and baked. Well, we really only baked chocolate chip cookies everything else we just made but it was still fun. My feet were so swollen by the end of the day. We made peanut butter balls, rice krsipies, peanut butter fudge, white choc. pretzels, choc. pretzels, and choc. chip cookies. Whew! that was alot. I also have some pinwheels and sausage balls to make before Kastyn gets here so I have stuff for my company to eat.
Everyone is saying that I will have Kastyn on Saturday because that is when there is a full moon. We shall see, I am feeling very miserable and so tired. I am trying to get my classroom ready for a sub and my house ready for company. I am almost done with both. Justin says I'm nesting and he doesn't like it because he has to help around the house..LOL!! I don't think I am but I guess time will tell.
I can't wait til Christmas I bought Kastyn a pretty little dress to wear and I bought Justin and I new shirts to wear so I can take our 1st family picture in front of our Christmas tree. I love the smells of Christmas also. I can't believe it is only 20 days til Christmas. YAY!! I can't wait.

Friday, December 2, 2011

All things Christmas!

I am getting soooo tired and not wanting to come to work. I know I can tough it out but I am just so tired.
My Christmas shopping is done and has been for quite some time. Now, I am just waiting on Kastyn to get here so we can celebrate her 1st Christmas this year. Justin and I's relationship has really improved in the last month. I am not sure what it is but I love it. He can't wait for Kastyn to get here either and she already has him wrapped around her little finger.

This Saturday my friend Tennile is coming over to bake goodies with me. We are going to be making lots of good stuff including, peanut clusters, peanut butter balls, white choc. pretzels, sugar cookies (I think), rice crispy treats, and lots more. It will be a fun Saturday spent with a great friend. Then that evening her husband and kiddos will be coming over for supper and great fellowship.

I want to see the Christmas lights around Branson. I can't wait for Justin to take me around looking at all of them. It is always one of my favorite parts about Christmas. Ok so I love Christmas but there are parts I don't like. Like making sure I am pleasing everyone and noone's feelings are going to be hurt, but I have recently started thinking that I have to do what is best for my family, (Justin, me, and Kastyn) and if I end up hurting someone's feelings so be it.

I want to start my own family tradition of being at home on Christmas day, so my kids can open presents on Christmas morning at home. This is important to me and I hope my family will understand.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

It's almost time!

WOW!! It is getting so close to Kastyn being here. 2 1/2 weeks or less. We are anxious for her arrival. Justin and I have been working and working on getting things ready for her arrival into this world. I am 3 cm dilated and 60% effaced as of Tuesday at my doctor's appoint. I go back next Thursday the 8th so we shall see if there is any change. I sure hope there will be.
I had a bad experience at the doctor's visit last time. We had a new nurse, which I was bummed about because I love the nurse that has helped us from the beginning. She is amazing. Anyway back to the bimbo nurse we had. She was looking at my pee sample and had me worried because she said there was blood in my pee. My heart dropped and I was scared that there was something wrong with Kastyn. Next, the bimbo I mean nurse, felt around my belly to see if she could feel Kastyn. She felt her towards the top of my belly and placed the heart monitor thing there. No heartbeat, but of course she couldn't hear it, that was Kastyn's butt. I mean this lady was special. I told this lady that that was her butt. She finally moved the heart thing down a bit and then had me worried because she said the heartbeat was low. Finally, after finding the right place to find a heartbeat Kastyn hearbeat was 148-155 and was perfect. Thanks so much bimbo for making me worry. Now back to my pee sample and still being scared about that. The doc came in and said everything looked good. I asked him about my pee sample and he said he was going to the lab to check it. Came back as nothing. He said the reason there was some blood was because I had effaced and dilated.
Now my question is why couldn't the bimbo nurse just take my pee to the lab and find out nothing was wrong before letting me know and having me worry. Gesh...she wasn't very smart. I sure hope I get the good nurse next time I go in there or I may throw a fit..LOL!! All in all it turned out being ok but had me worried. I am ready for Kastyn to be here so hopefully it will be soon.

Monday, October 31, 2011


I go to the doctor today to check on Kastyn. She is moving and growing I can tell. I only have 7 weeks left and I can't wait. This weekend the church is having a baby shower for me. My dad, step mom, and sister Jessica are coming down for the shower. I haven't seen them since summer so it will be nice to spend some time with them.
Justin and I have to go to our parenting class this Saturday so I got my parents tickets to Silver Dollar City. I don't think they have ever been so that should be fun for them. It will be the 1st day of the Christmas season. After that we will come home and have supper and spend time probably playing games. It is so much fun to play games and my dad and them love to play as well.
Sunday is the shower, my in-laws will be there as well. It should be lots of fun.


Today is Halloween. Many people are celebrating Halloween and many are not. Many Christians don't believe in celebrating this holiday. That is just fine for them and I don't think any less or more of them for it. I am a Christian and proud of it. However, I don't see anything wrong with dressing my kids or me up and going trick or treating. I personally don't know the real reason WHY this holiday started, but dressing up is fun. I however will not let my children dress up as something that would be against God. Zombies, Ghosts (unless it's the Holy Ghost), scary things or anything like that. Dressing up as a princess/cowboy or whatever and going door to door getting candy is a fun thing for children to do.
At our school we still celebrate Halloween and have a parade. The students love it. I normally dress up, but this year I have a doctor's appointment so I didn't dress up.
Justin is growing a big beard (which by the way I hate) but he wanted to wear a flannel shirt and have an ax and go to work as Paul Bunyan. However, I don't think he had a flannel shirt so he didn't go as anything this year either.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Joys of Pregnancy!

Oh the joys of pregnancy. I have really had a good pregnancy so far, however today I am not feeling well. I am not sure what the problem is, but I don't like it. It is a good thing that my students have a test today in Math that way I can sit a little more than normal.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Kastyn's mural came in the other day and Justin put it up. I am so excited and it looks adorable. Now we just have to wait for her to get here.
Our baby shower at the church is on Nov. 6th after church. My dad and step mom are coming down for it. Also, I believe Justin parents are too.
I am now going to the doctor every 2 weeks. I went this Tuesday and things are looking good. My belly was measuring about 3 cm bigger than I am weeks. I hope that means I will go a week or two early. That is what I am praying for anyway.

Kastyn Kayde Porter is always loved and spoiled and I'm sure she will continue to be spoiled when she gets here.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Many things!

There has been lots going on around here. My 2 year anniversary was on Monday the 19th. I love my husband dearly and I can't imagine how each day I could love him anymore than I do today. I bought my husband Miranda Lambert concert tickets and I got a faster memory card for my camera and shelves in two of my cabinets. I have been wanting both of those for a very long time. We celebrated all weekend. My husband and I were going to go to Silver Dollar City on the Saturday before but it rained ALL day. It reminded us of our wedding day. It rained all day that day too. Instead we went to a couple of the live shows here in Branson. They were pretty good and we had a great time together.
We are still waiting for Kastyn's mural to come so we can finish her room. I think after we have that done we will be finished with her room and just waiting on her arrival. It is still 2 1/2 months away but her daddy and I can't wait for her to arrive.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

WOW it has been an amazing weekend. I only had to work a 1/2 day at school then I was free until tomorrow. I started my weekend by just lounging around the house on Friday.
On Saturday I spent all day at the church helping prepare for grand opening on Sunday. It was a lot of work and I think I over did it but it was so worth it.
On Sunday we had our Grand Opening at Church...9 people got baptised...2 people shared amazing testimonies... 1 person was saved....and many more lives were changed. The message was grand and God was glorified.
After that we got to fellowship and EAT!! Justin and I got home around 2 and we took a nap...after that we went to Target and bought Kastyn some storage things because she already has lots of books and toys and she won't be here for 3 more months. Oh wait...maybe we got those Saturday night but Justin put them together on Sunday...we organized her room also and it is looking so cute. I can't wait until she gets here.
Today the weather cooled off so much and it is amazing the 70s...PLT! Justin and I went to a Springfield Cardinals game. They didn't do so well and lost pretty badly. It was fun though. After that we did some shopping around I am home...dishwasher is going...laundry is going...Justin is out shooting his bow and I of course am typing on here. More laundry to do but all in all it was a great weekend.
My anniversary is in a couple of weeks. I bought Justin tickets to see Miranda Lambert and Justin Moore in concert. He is taking me to see the Great Passion Play. I know it will be a good the way we will be married 2 years on the seems longer than that but in a good way.
God Bless you all.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Kastyn Kade!

Kastyn Kayde has been kicking or punching me here a lot lately, I am not sure which it is but I sure can feel it. Last night her daddy was talking to her and trying to feel her through my stomach. I could barely feel her but Justin couldn't at all. Jokingly Justin says to Kastyn (my belly). I'm going to spank you. Right at that moment she kicked me so hard it about made Justin jump. I told him that Kastyn already knew what that meant and she didn't like it...haha!

I already know she is going to be so beautiful. Not because she is a part of me or her dad, but because God has created her and I know He wants her to be beautiful.

On a different note, tomorrow is the last Wednesday that we will have church in our old building. Sunday will be the 1st day to worship the LORD in our brand new church. It is much needed and I can't wait to see what God is going to do.
It reminds of the song God of this City, because Greater things are yet to come, and Greater things are still to be done in this city.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

So sad!

Yesterday I found out that a good friend of mine has lost her baby (had a miscarriage). I had to go through one about a year ago and I know it is something I didn't want any of my family or friends to have to go through.
It is hard to know how to help or comfort them even though I just went through this. Everyone is different.
I am just so sad today for her and her family. I have been praying and I know God will take care of her and comfort her in ways none of us know how to. I felt that comfort from Him when I needed Him. I also feel comforted from my Father even when I don't really need it or think I need it.
She put this as her facebook status and I thought it was right on the mark---If life was always easy we wouldn't need a Savior. How true is that? Thank you Jesus for taking care of us.

Monday, August 22, 2011

The new, the old, the boring!

Hey all, I know I know I don't write on here as much as I should, but I just get so busy and I don't remember to.
School has started back up and I AM TIRED! I don't remember being this tired but it is probably the pregnancy. I am teaching 6th grade Math, Science, and Social Studies. So far I had a pretty good group of kids. LOTS of boys in both classes I think we have 24 boys and 12 girls. It makes for an interesting time though.

Justin and I have been working hard to get Kastyn Kayde's bedroom ready for her arrival. I know we are a bit early but we have extra money now so we are buying this we need. We just bought her bedding and now we are just waiting for it to come in. We also bought a stroller and car seat, baby monitor, and other little things. I am stocking up on diapers so I will be prepared when the time comes. Plus my mom has bought me some cloth diapers that I will use when I run out of the disposable ones. Now we just need to order the mural for her room I just got an unexpected check so I know what I am buying with that money..HEHE!!

Other than that things are pretty boring. I have made a really good friend here at school this year. She works in my room alot and we have been good friends. I hope we can start hanging out, outside of school because Justin and I really don't have friends that we hang out with much.

Well, ta ta for now. Love to all.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Justin and I headed back to Kansas last Friday. My mom and sisters were going to be there so I thought we could make a long weekend of it. I had so much fun.
On Sunday, my mom and my best friend Kymberly threw me a shower for little Kastyn Kayde. We got lots of great stuff and lots of hair bows for her. We are getting excited and now I am kind of in a nesting stage because I want to get Kastyn's room for her arrival, even if she isn't coming til December. I am trying to be more organized with her stuff. We have lots of diapers already.

When we were in Dodge City we went to the famous Dodge City Days Parade. I love going to it, but I haven't been able to in many years. We also got to see my cousin's new baby that she had the Monday before we left. I would write her name but I have no idea how to spell it. She is a cutie.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Sorry it's been so long!

I have been trying harder to keep up with my blog but I have been and really really sick.
Over the 4th of July, Justin and I went with his parents to a festival they work and we sold lemonade and turkey legs for them. It was HOT, HOT, HOT and lots of hard work.

This last weekend on Saturday a great man of God Scotty went to be with the Lord. He and his wife go to our church and Scotty will sure be missed.

On Monday morning about 5 o'clock I went to the bathroom and I don't think I left that room for 2 days. I was so sick. Everyone keeps asking if it was the baby or flu. I know how the difference and I would say for sure it was the flu. I haven't been this sick in a long time, and Justin had never seen me so sick. I am getting better I am still really weak today. We are going to visit my dad this weekend and help Justin's parents again. I am not looking forward to it since I have been really sick. I just hope I can make it.

I will be 18 weeks pregnant on Sunday. It is getting so close. On July 26th we hopefully get to find out what we are having if the baby cooperates. I pray he/she will.

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Today I am 15 weeks along in my pregnancy. I can't wait to go to the doctor again. I go on Tuesday. I finally want to hear the heart beat on the little machine they have and not an ultrasound. Wednesday I go to the dentist. I am not excited about that. My wisdom teeth have been hurting and I can't get them taken out until after I have the baby, I think.

Last Friday was Justin's birthday. I took him to the MMA fights in Branson. It is something new that we like to do. I get a date night every 6 weeks now. HEHE!!
With our garage sale money Justin got a weed eater and we also paid off a bill. YAY!! Now he wants to buy a pole saw to go with his weed eater so he can trim trees and let me tell you that is much needed if you ask me.

Well, it's a beautiful Sunday morning and I am headed to church. Have a blessed day.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Fishing and Justin's Birthday

On Monday, Justin took a half day off of work and took Joy and I fishing. Joy is my 18 year old sister. She was so excited because she wanted a boat ride so bad. We didn't catch much, only two, but we had lots of fun. Joy got really really sunburnt and was hurting yesterday. She had to work today and I haven't talk to her so I don't know how she is feeling today.

Justin's birthday is Friday and I have started getting him gifts and wrapping them. I set them on the table last night and he seems to think he already knows all of his presents...Well, he just thinks he knows but I'm no fool. LOL!!

Bargins! And getting excited!!

So my mom is a very thirfty person and she has been helping me get some bargins at local stores. Last week at Walgreens they had diapers on sale for $4.99 originally $8.99. Good deal right. Well it gets better. I then had a infant care coupon that took $2 off each pack of diapers so therefore made each pack of diapers on $2.99. GREAT DEAL!! Making each diaper between 6 and 10 cents a diaper depending on the size. I got 12 packs and my mom got 10 packs for me. So starting out we are looking pretty good for diapers. I know I will still need lots more and if I had the money I would've bought all they had.
I am getting excited about the little one coming and I have already started looking at bedding. I am doing a koala theme in the bedroom so it's not gender specific. My colors are greens, browns, tans, and that such.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Yard Sale!

We had a yard sale this weekend and made some good money. We are trying to clean out what we don't need/use anymore because we are making way for our baby that is due in December. I have been very sick with this pregnancy, but I just keep telling myself that that is good because my baby is healthy and growing.
I go back to the doctore next Tuesday and I sure hope that I feel better by then. I will be 14 weeks along tomorrow. Justin is getting very excited also.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Summer Time is Finally here!

I love summer. I get to have a nice break from work. Now don't get me wrong I love teaching and all that that entails but I do enjoy my breaks. I have been very sick with this pregnancy. I am 12 weeks and 4 days today. A long way to go but hopefully the sickness will be over soon.

Our church building is getting closer and closer to being finished. I can't wait until we get to worship the LORD in our new space. It will be so nice just having one service, sometimes I feel like I don't know anyone in the 2nd service because we go to the 1st one. Oh well, that is life I guess. I know it will get better when we get into our new church. However, I know with all good things comes spiritual warfare. It will be strong after the church is built. I am praying against that.

My sister Joy is spending the summer with us and things are going ok. She got a job at Wal-Mart. I think she likes it she just wishes she had more time to play.
Tomorrow she has a day off so we are going to do something fun. Silver Dollar City or maybe the RecPlex to go swimming. Well, I better get supper going.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

So long!

I need to keep this more updated but it just seems I get busier and busier. Justin and I have some good news. We will be expecting our 1st baby in December and we couldn't be happier. We have had a hard road to get here and still need prayers as we get through the next several months but we know the Lord our God is on our side.

My sister Joy is staying with us for the summer and is looking for a job. Please pray she finds one QUICK!!! LOL!! Pray she finds one soon so she can start saving money for college. She will be a huge blessing for me this summer to help out around the house.

I haven't been feeling too bad lately, just really tired and kindof blah!!
Our church is getting closer and closer to be being done. All of us at Bridge of Faith can't wait to finally worship in our new building.

Love to all.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

It's been too long!

I know it has been a long time since my last post but I have been super busy. My best friend Kymberly is getting married next weekend and I have been working on getting stuff ready for her wedding, school is almost out so I have all the teachery things I need to do with that. It's a busy time but it is good for me.

Our church is trying to raise $100,000 to finish building our church. We have had so many blessings we know God is in control and will take care of us and the needs of our church.

Later this afternoon I have to head to my school because they are having a Spring Fling, which is just basically like the carnival we have in the fall. A fundraiser to help our school. Well, I don't want to but laundry is calling my name.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Many, busy, new

WOW! There have been so many blessings that have happened lately. We finished the shed and Justin has put the stuff in the shed and cleaned out our garage. Next, will be building a laundry room so I don't have to do laundry in the garage. Well, it will still be the garage but it will just be its own room in the garage. It has been very busy around here, and with the end of the school year approaching it will get busier for me anyway. Justin got a new truck and now it is time to make the 1st payment on it. WOW! that is going to sting....but I know the Lord will provide. Today Justin is out of town at his parents' house helping put up their huge shed. I am working at Justin's work to help with the place to also make some extra money since he isn't working this weekend. It has been pretty good and I am working with his boss so the day has gone pretty fast.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

We have a shed!

YAY!! We have a shed now. It was a long process and there is still a little more to do, like shelves for the inside. Once we get the shed finished we can move all the junk out of the garage and into it. Then it will be time to start on my laundry room. Right now my laundry is in the garage. We are going to build a wall and put a folding table and some flooring and a vent in there so it will be just like a room in our house. The best part will be that I will still get to park in the garage.

This weekend should be lots of fun. I am leaving today to pick up my sister and then we are heading to Dodge City, KS for my best friend Kymberly's bridal shower and bachelorette party. It should be fun and I can't wait. The only bad part is I am missing one day of work and I think it is harder to get ready for a sub then it is to actually be at school.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Been Pretty Busy around here!

WOW! it has been pretty busy around here lately. Justin bought a new truck and I think I am having a mini stroke with the new car payment. LOL!! We also are needing a storage building and have been working hard to get that ready. We are ready for concrete. I am ready for my garage to get cleaned out so I can actually get out of my car without having to hurdle over several things.
I got my evaluation back from school and they have said that I will be back next year. That is great since it was a big year for me. I got tenure so that is cool. I believe that I will still be in 6th grade next year but I am adjusting well to that age level. I feel I am a well rounded educator since I have been all the way from 4th-down to 2nd and up to 6th now. I was asked the other day which grade level I prefer and honestly I love what I do so any grade is great for me.
I am looking for a part or full time job for the summer so I can make some extra money.
I am hoping that Justin and I can start a family soon. We have been trying with no such luck. I know God has a plan but I sure hope I'm not 40 when his plan happens. HAHA!
That is all for now. Have a great day everyone.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Beautiful Day!

Well today looks like it will be a beautiful day. Actually it looks as if all week will be very nice. That excites me...I am ready for this snow to MELT MELT MELT!!! I haven't been to work a whole week since I can't remember. There has just been too much snow. Today it is beautiful and I am thinking getting out and about and doing who knows what. I don't care what it is because it is so nice it can just be riding around with the windows down.

I am missing my mom and sisters really bad. I haven't seen them since November and I think its about time I go see them. Only problem is I don't have any time to go. Oh well, hopefully soon.

Signing off for now so I can go enjoy the beautiful weather.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

SNOW, SNOW, SNOW, and more SNOW!

I am getting SICK of all this snow we have. We have been out of school for almost a week now because of this snow. They say its the Blizzard of 2011 but who knows. I have been sick so I have been able to recover but I am tired of all my plans changing because of the weather.
Yesterday I finally got to go outside a play in the snow a little bit. Makes me wish I had a little kid to play with in the snow. I have been taking lots of pictures with my new camera though. I love it and I can't wait to get a bigger zoom lens.

My sister and her friend were here last weekend and it was in the 70s and beautiful. It was a great weekend for them to come. I loved having them. They kept my kitchen nice and clean. I wish I had her here all the time so my house would always be spotless....LOL!! My mom says that is why she had kids so we could do the work. HAHA!

Right now I am at Justin's work with him and it pretty boring. There isn't much going on around here.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Canon Rebel EOS

YAY!! My camera arrived yesterday and I got to play with it a little bit yesterday. I am really excited to start getting into the swing of using it.
A friend of ours has already said I can take pictures of her and her boyfriend in the Spring. I guess you can say I already have my first booking. I need to learn it well before then though. This lady at work is a photographer on the side with her husband so I will be asking her to show me the ropes. My mom was a professional photographer as well, so it might just run in my blood. Justin asked me what I was going to name my business. I just laughed and said Porter Dreams, which is the name of this blog and we do have many dreams we want to accomplish.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Jan. 27th

Today is the day my camera is supposed to be in...and yet I haven't heard if it will be here or not. I can't wait, I am getting excited to have it.
Justin has been sick and I am so ready for him to get over it.
I tell him its like I am home alone all the time because he hasn't really been there too much. Sleeping all the time or laying in his EZchair. I love him and I sure hope he gets to feeling better really soon.
My sister Joy is coming to my house this weekend with one of her friends. It should be an exciting time for all of us.
My friend is having an Uppercase Living Party on Saturday so that should be fun as well. Tuesday I have to go to the dentist and get two fillings.. ICK!! I have never had a cavity until last time I was at the dentist and now I have TWO!!! I hope this isn't the start of something more to come.
I was going to get my wisdom teeth out because I want to get my teeth straightened out, but the dentist that is on my insurance for the oral surgery said some things while I was there last time that I don't approve of and I won't be going back there. I do love my general dentist though.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Another Snow Day :(

Yesterday and today we have had snow days again. So there goes day two and three of our Spring Break. I am still holding out for days four and five!! Yesterday, Justin's boss told him to stay home also so we had an us day. We don't get to have that very often, but I love them when they do happen. We got in our four wheel drive vehicle to make the trip to town. We say about 6 cars in the ditches on our way there. We got groceries and then we went camera shopping. I have been saving my money for a new camera. I wanted one was that you could change the lenses on or put new flashes on. I went with the Canon EOS Rebel. I had to order it online for the best deal so I don't have it yet. I can't wait for it to come in.

Here in a little bit I am going to get ready and head to town to Justin's work. He is going out of town for the last weekend of duck season so I won't get to see him all weekend. I sure hate when he's gone. In April, I think he is going to be gone for 10 days to go turkey hunting in South Dakota. I really will be a nervous wreck when that happens. Oh well, I will survive.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Missing my hubby!

I sure miss my husband when he is gone. I can't sleep this morning because he is supposed to be here. Well he told me last week that he would be home Saturday around 6p.m then it was 9p.m. and then last night he said that he would be home by 6:30 this morning. Well, its now 6:03 and he left for the 2 hour drive about 30 minutes ago. So much for 6:30. Oh well, at least he will be home today.
I am not a big reader but a 5th grade teacher at the school were I work told me I should read this book. I said OK but it will probably take me forever to read it. She said that was fine. Well since I had lots of time this weekend I picked it up and couldn't put it down. It is called A Thousand Tomorrows by Karen Kingsbury. It is really good and highly recommended. Now I want to find another book just as good to get hooked on now.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Why I believe in God.

I saw this on my mom's blog and I thought I would share it with all of you here.

This is why I believe in God
THIS IS FABULOUS!!!It was written by an 8-year-old named Danny Dutton, who lives in ChulaVista , CA . He wrote it for his third grade homework assignment, to 'explain God.' I wonder if any of us could have done as well?(and he had such an assignment, in California , and someone publish edit, I guess miracles do happen!)
EXPLANATION OF GOD:'One of God's main jobs is making people. He makes them to replace the ones that die, so there will be enough people to take care of things on earth. He doesn't make grownups, just babies. I think because they are smaller and easier to make. That way he doesn't have to take up his valuable time teaching them to talk and walk. He can just leave that to mothers and fathers.''God's second most important job is listening to prayers. An awful lot of this goes on, since some people, like preachers and things, pray at times beside bedtime. God doesn't have time to listen to the radio or TV because of this. Because he hears everything, there must be a terrible lot of noise in his ears, unless he has thought of a way to turn it off.''God sees everything and hears everything and is everywhere which keeps Him pretty busy. So you shouldn't go wasting his time by going over your mom and dad's head asking for something they said you couldn't have.''Atheists are people who don't believe in God. I don't think there are any in Chula Vista . At least there aren't any who come to our church.''Jesus is God's Son. He used to do all the hard work, like walking on water and performing miracles and trying to teach the people who didn't want to learn about God. They finally got tired of him preaching to them and they crucified him. But he was good and kind, like his father, and he told his father that they didn't know what they were doing and to forgive them and God said O.K.''His dad (God) appreciated everything that he had done and all his hard work on earth so he told him he didn't have to go out on the road anymore.He could stay in heaven. So he did. And now he helps his dad out by listening to prayers and seeing things which are important for God to take care of and which ones he can take care of himself without having to bother God. Like a secretary, only more important.''You can pray anytime you want and they are sure to help you because they got it worked out so one of them is on duty all the time.''You should always go to church on Sunday because it makes God happy, and if there's anybody you want to make happy, it's God!Don't skip church to do something you think will be more fun like going to the beach. This is wrong. And besides the sun doesn't come out at the beach until noon anyway.''If you don't believe in God, besides being an atheist, you will be very lonely, because your parents can't go everywhere with you, like to camp,but God can. It is good to know He's around you when you're scared, in the dark or when you can't swim and you get thrown into real deep water by bigkids.'' shouldn't just always think of what God can do for you. I figure God put me here and he can take me back anytime he pleases.And...that's why I believe in God.'

Hanging out with the Kiddos!

I love kids and I can't wait to have my own. My friend Melody and her husband are running errands and going to the eye doctor. I get to watch her children. We went to the grocery store, bank, and then home to eat leftover taco salad. Tristan LOVED it and wants me to give his mom the recipe. Stacie didn't like it at all. She ate chicken nuggets. Poor kid doesn't know what she is missing.
Now they are both down for a nap and I may try to take one myself, she shall see. Then I think we are going to watch a movie that they brought over.
Then hopefully my hubby will be home soon and we can have a nice afternoon and evening together.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Well yesterday, I sat around and sat around but we never did get a call for No school. However today, I sit here because we got a call this morning for no school. Yesterday we had to go to school but it was only for a half day because it started snowing and they wanted to make sure they got the children home safely before it got really bad.
It was worse at my house yesterday and worse at my work today. I work 30 minutes from home so you never know what could happen in that thirty minutes.
Well, what to do today? I am not sure Justin is out duck hunting, so I always worry about him being okay.
Yesterday after my half day I went over to Jonathan and Amy's to hang out. It was so nice to talk to her. She just had a little baby boy and it seems like we haven't gotten to talk much since then. I think she enjoyed having someone to talk to. I enjoyed it as well. Then Justin came over after work and we stayed for supper. We had chili and it was very good.
Today I am going to stay home I believe and I guess clean house or do laundry or both. That just doesn't sound like any fun. Maybe I will think of something else to do.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Day!

Well, it's Jan.1oth and I am hoping we get our first snow day of the year. I am actually waiting for the call from work to let me know. I can't believe we have made it this long without having any snow until now. I like snow days but I don't like that it takes away from our Spring Break. Right now we get all of our Spring Break because this day will be made up in Feb. on President's Day. So we are still good to go. Anymore though and there goes Spring Break. I have been teaching for 5 years and I have NEVER gotten a whole week of Spring Break because of snow, ice, or floods. Oh well, that is the life of a teacher I guess. As I sit here and write pondering whether to get ready for work or just wait as there might be a chance that school is closed.
If it does close, what shall I do today. Laundry and clean house. That doesn't sound like fun at all.

Last night Justin and I went to Bible Study at our church. Dwayne is the guy teaching the class and he does such a wonderful job and I love learning from him. He knows so much about the Bible. I tell him he makes me think but I like it..HAHA!! Well, I still haven't gotten a call so I guess I will get up and around since I normally leave in 30 minutes.