Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.

Friday, July 13, 2012

It's been awhile

It's been awhile since I have written a post on here. I have been super busy with a now 7 month old and two masters classes. My summer has been BUSY BUSY BUSY!!
My mom and sisters are coming to visit next Tuesday and I can't wait. The following week I leave for vacation!!! YAY!!
We are going to the Lake of the Ozarks for a few days to get away. It will be a short trip but much needed.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


School is getting so close to being over. Only one more week and Friday and then it's over. It has gone by pretty fast. However, that means my baby will be 5 months old next Friday.
Justin is leaving today to go to South Dakota for 11 days to go turkey hunting. I will miss him a lot. His mom is coming down to visit while he is gone so that will be helpful and then when she leaves my mom and sister will be here and they will help out as well.
I can't wait until my mom and sister, Joy, get here. I know my mom misses Kastyn and Joy hasn't even gotten to see her in person.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Growing like a Weed!

Kastyn is growing and growing. She is 4 1/2 months old and can still wear some 0-3 months clothes. She is growing longer but not very much around. All of her 0-3 pants are too short but too baggy around the waist. I dunno what I'm going to do with her.
The 3-6 month jammies and rompers fit her well but not the pants, they just fall off of her. I guess she will just live in rompers and jammies until she starts filling out a little.
We have started her on baby food and she LOVES squash. Yesterday I was cooking supper and doing dishes and I asked Justin to feed her some squash. Next thing I know she ate the whole jar of food...LOL!! Maybe she will soon start filling in those clothes.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Almost Summer!

I am excited it is almost summer time!!  We only have three weeks of school left and then I get to hang out with Kastyn all summer long. Our babysitter told us that she has to go back to work and make more money for her family. I completely understand but I am SOOO sad. This summer I will have to be interviewing people and daycares to find a place for Kastyn to go to in the fall...
My couponing is going ok. I haven't saved too much money yet though. I am excited about having time in the summer to go around and find good deals.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Poor Baby!

Kastyn hasn't been feeling well the last couple of days. The sitter said all she did yesterday was sleep. When I picked her up she was fussy and didn't want anything so about 6:30 I laid her back down and she slept some more. I thought oh boy this will be a long night. However, she slept all night until I woke her at 530 to get ready for the day. She might be going through a growing spurt. She is getting so big.
Justin put her walker together the other day and we put her in it. Her feet don't quite hit the floor but she loves playing with it. Daddy wanted her to have a green walker but I wanted the pink one and it is oh so cute, just like my little angel.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Coupon 101

On Saturday I went to a couponing 101 class and learned a lot. The lady doing the class was a Christian lady so that was good. I learned how to organize my coupons in a neat way with a trapper keeper, some baseball card holders and some dividers. I will post pictures later when I get my binder and card slots.
I am excited to start saving money for me and my family.

Friday, March 30, 2012


At school all of us teachers have been challenged to read and let the students know what we are reading. We have signs outside our room that tells what we are reading. I think it is a very neat idea and it lets the students see that us as teachers still read.

I started a reading plan on my iPAD. I am reading the Bible chronologically in a year. I really needed to get into my Bible daily so this is the plan I chose. Justin is reading the one year Bible, so he reads a little of the old testament, a little new testament, a pslam and proverb.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Long week!

WOW this week has been so LONG! I sure am glad it's Friday. Last week was spring break and I enjoyed spending time with all of my family and friends that I don't get to see very often. This week however has been really long. Kastyn hasn't been sleeping well at nights. She has been sleeping 7-8 hours for a couple months and now all of the sudden it is more like 4-5 hours and she wakes up like she is starving to death. We have started her on rice but she doesn't like it very much. She really isn't that good of an eater anyway. I'm not sure what to do with her. She is so very precious though.
I have been so blessed that God sent Kastyn to me.

Friday, March 9, 2012

It has arrived!!!

My iPAD come in the mail yesterday and I was so excited. I got the black 16gb iPAD 2. I didn't play on it much because I want to put a cover on it before I use it too much. My husband was going into town today to get a cover for it. I will be bringing it on my trip as I travel to Kansas tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Bridge of Faith

Our pastor is amazing. He always says that he just doesn't want to play church, meaning everything happening at the same time every week no room for the Holy Spirit to move, instead he wants to do church.
A few weeks ago Pastor Jonathan preached on discipleship. He then asked our church members if there was anyone that wanted to disciple someone to go to the front. Then he had anyone that wanted to pair up with them and get discipled could. I went up front and paired up with a sweet lady named Janis. We have been going through a bible study and I am really enjoying it. It is hard for me to get through it though because I am having to take care of Kastyn. We meet once a week on Mondays to discuss the week of lessons. It is amazing how God is working in our little church.

Friday, March 2, 2012


I just got a call from group publishing. They are a Christian company that our church buys alot of curriculum from or VBS stuff. I was surfing the web yesterday and looking at all their curriculum. I signed in and gave them my information. Today they called me and said I had won an iPAD 2. I was hoping I wasn't being scammed so I got on groups website and did a live chat with a lady to make sure it was legit. It was. I am just waiting until I have a minute to call them back to confirm. I am so excited right now I can't even think straight. I don't ever seem to win anything so I can't believe I won such a big item.

Well, I did call them back and guess what I actually did WIN!!! YAY!!!! I can't even believe it. I am pumped.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

My Baby Girl!

Kastyn is growing like crazy. She will be 3 months old in 10 days!! :( She is getting so big and getting a sweet personality. My favorite thing to do is kiss her and love on her. I never dreamed I could love someone as much as I do her.
She has been sleeping really well also. She sleeps at least 6 hours during the night, most of the time it is more than that. She is almost holding her own bottle, not quite but getting close. She rolled over from her tummy to her back once. She will be going on her 1st date before I know it. I must cherish all of these little moments because they won't last long.
Justin started back to work this week finally. I was beginning to wonder if we were going to make it through winter or not. The LORD always provides though, I just need to learn to trust in Him more.

Friday, February 17, 2012


Two funny stories out of the mouths of sixth graders.

One student told me today that OMG means Obama Must Go! HaHa! I thought that was very funny.
Another student was working on a paper for English in my class when he asked me if Obama was famous. I said, "Do must people know him." He then said Yes but he's not an American. LOL! I looked at his paper to see what he was doing and he was having to list famous Americans, he didn't end up putting Obama down as one. I just found that funny.

Time Flies!

Time flies when you have a newborn. Kastyn is already two months old and keeps growing like a weed. She had her 1st Valentine's day and her daddy and I got her a card and a stuffed puppy. She is getting more personality, and of course she is stinkin' cute.
The other day she rolled over from her belly to her back. She doesn't like tummy time so she fussed and fussed until she made it onto her back.
She has been to the sitter's house twice now. Right now Justin just has to work Fridays and Saturdays so I keep her on Saturdays and the sitter keeps her on Fridays.
Time is so precious and I love spending all the free time I do have with my beautiful little girl.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Seven Weeks

WOW! Kastyn will be seven weeks old tomorrow. Time is going so fast and she is growing so fast. The other night she slept for 8 hours, but has only done that once. I have to go back to work soon and I'm not looking forward to it. I have enjoy my time off hanging out with Kastyn and Justin. Kastyn has been such a blessing to us.
I think about my miscarriage and why the Lord would put me through that, but then I look at Kastyn and see my answer in her beautiful blue eyes. If I hadn't miscarried, she wouldn't be here. The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. We don't understand His plan sometimes but His plan is always the best. I can see that in Kastyn.

I have started my Masters classes and things seem to be going ok. I hope I can do it. I haven't been to school in 6 years so I am a little rusty. For my classes I got a new Kindle Fire and I am loving it. I can buy my books on that and save some money on them.

I am loving pinterest. I am getting so many creative ideas for food and for craft things to do with Kastyn when she gets older. I better get busy because she should be waking up soon and Justin is out fishing.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Settling In!

Kastyn, Justin, and I are settling in as a family and three. I am enjoying her so much and so is her daddy. Justin is laid off for this month so we have all gotten to stay home and get adjusted and settled.
Lots of family and friends have come to visit. All the grandparents except Papa Olson have gotten to see her. Well Papa Olson got to see her on Skype but not in person. Most of her aunts have too. Joy and Brooke are my two sisters that haven't gotten to see her. I know Joy is so ready to see her but she has been working and not had any time off. We live about 13 hours from her.
It's hard to have family so far away but I hope to visit family this summer.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Kastyn Kayde Porter

My last post said Almost Time and I was right. Kastyn Kayde Porter was born Dec. 11th, 2011 at 1:36 pm via c-section.
Justin and I were on our way to church and I said, "I think my water broke, I feel like I peed my pants." I went back into the house and changed. We got back in the truck and headed to church. Justin had to teach the youth that day so I didn't want him to have to miss it. He went to teach youth and I headed into church, on the way in I saw Pastor Jonathan and he teasingly said, "Don't let your water brake on our new chairs." We both laughed and then I told him what had happened on the way to church. He gets on the phone with his wife and she wants to talk to me. She tells me that I had better get to the hospital because she is definate that my water broke. While talking to her I felt it again and told her I was going. She called Pastor Jonathan back and he took over the youth while Justin and I left to head to the hospital....
Upon arrival to the hospital I kept feeling like my water was breaking more and more with each step I took. When I got to labor and deliver they took me back to a room to check to make sure I knew what I was talking about. They said my water didn't brake but it tore. Then they told me that they couldn't feel her head. I paniced..they took an ultrasound and said I would have to have a c-section cause she was breech. That was about 11 am. I hadn't had any contractions and was feeling pretty good. They got me all set up in the operating room and I had a c-section. At 1:36 pm my precious little girl Kastyn Kayde was born. Mommy and daddy couldn't be more proud. She was the most beautiful baby I had ever laid eyes on.